Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Me vs. Reality

I wrote this poem, because I started hallucinating and seeing patterns in my life. It might just be from Anxiety or Paranoia, or even schizophrenia but these are just my thoughts and how I feel while getting the psychiatric help I need.

My mind fights alone,
What will win? Answer unknown.
The veil of reality has been torn,
it's up to me to continue or be reborn.

The patterns I see cause my fright,
Images of a strange dimension...
Medication subsides this strange blight.
Although my brain struggles through the tension.

Every new place I enter feels foreseen,
Dejavu? What the fuck? This can not be.
Through a moment I question the scene,
Is this real? My own mind does not agree.

I hope to God I get through this strife,
Hoping to break the cycle that I convinced myself to believe.
So I may carry on with my life,
and enjoy the reality that I perceive.


  1. Beautiful poem, Javi. Just never forget that you have friends who will always be around if you are ever in need <333.

  2. You're an amazing writer. I always told you that :)
