Thursday, July 22, 2010

I believe this is the hardest thing to do.

Today, well yesterday technically, I saw Lady Gaga in her Monster Ball tour. If you know me very well, you know that I am a huge Lady Gaga fan. I absolutely love her. Her music is amazing. I love her style, I love how crazy she is, and I love how she isn't scared to do what she wants. During the Monster Ball, she told a story about how she used to be made fun of in high school, now I don't know if this is true, because celebs tend to lie about stuff, but I am going to believe that it's true, and that she knows how it feels to be an outcast and different. She told us to be brave, something that I never really am. I pretty much live in fear, although I want that to be changed. I no longer want to be scared, I want to be free. I've only been brave enough to tell this to my two sisters, because I love them so much and trust them, and two very close cousins. (As I am writing this, my heart is jumping, scared of what this might do. It's very emotional for me.) I'm afraid of telling people who I am. I feel like I may be criticized, made fun of, bullied, rejected, and discriminated against. Now, I can't tolerate any of that. I am weak, any of this will break me down. I am shy and quiet, because I don't like bringing attention to myself. I just wanted to fade into a shadow. Now, I guess you can assume of what I am trying to say, but I won't write it down officially until the end. What scares me the most is my family's reaction. None of my family members are different.. that I know of. I feel like I might be singled out, and the talk to the family. I am telling you this now, I didn't want this. It's been like since middle school since I've realized what was in front of me. Now, I choose to ignore it. Hide it. Don't bring attention to it, cause all of it scares me. Here it comes... I like guys. I am sexually attracted to them, and I can't "change" this. It wasn't my choice, I would rather be "normal", and blend in, cause I don't like being different. Lady Gaga wants me to be brave. She said when you leave the Monster Ball, "Don't leave loving me more, leave loving YOURSELF more." I do love myself, but I never really loved that part of me. You know that gay/bi teens are the highest ranked in suicide? It's society's nonacceptance. Now, I have never wanted to hurt myself, cause I am not that crazy, but other people have, and it's sad, and it should never happen. So if you hate the LGBT community... well... you are pressuring people to not like themselves, and that's wrong. Everyone should love themselves, I need to love myself too. Some people might say that it doesn't matter, but it does matter to me. This always tore me up inside, and I never had the strength to accept it. Lady Gaga might have influenced this blog, but I want this insecurity to end. I am sick of hiding, and I want to be ME. I want to be happy, and I can only be happy by accepting myself. Now, I don't know if I am fully gay, cause I have no idea what I feel about women, sure they're cute, but... idk? If you stuck this long to read everything, then I really appreciate it. Now I am going to wait and see how this affects my life, it can end in disaster, or in acceptance and happiness. This was hard for me, and I need you to understand that. I almost don't want to hit publish, cause the fear and paranoia kicks in, but I want to be brave, be strong, and myself!

As Lady Gaga would put it, "I'm a free bitch, baby."

Thank you.


  1. I am extremely proud of your bravery. I am so glad that you are going to love yourself for who you are. Remember, in the end the only person that matters is YOU. No matter what, I will always be here to support you. BIG HUG!!! <3

  2. I can't even imagine what you're going through, but know that I will ALWAYS be there to support you Javi <3. Don't be afraid, be energized by this freedom you'll be getting and will always have. There are a lot of videos on YouTube about people coming out to their parents and if you ever need some advice, you should check those out! Know that your parents will always love you, even if they don't act like it at first, because fear is a powerful thing, and fear is the basic instinct that will set in immediately, but will pass with time, whether it be 1 second to 1 year, it'll pass. Good luck on your journey <333.

  3. Good luck to you! I hope things go the way you want them to and if they don't with time they will. I'm sure this is a very difficult and stressful thing for you but once you get it out then you can live your life without fear and the way you want to and not be afraid of anything. In your post you said it's not normal... but what is normal? To me nothing is normal. No one is normal. That is what makes everyone so unique and different. Whether your straight, gay, bi, etc. I love how not one person is normal and not one orientation is the "right" one or normal one. That doesn't really make sense... lol I love artist like Lady Gaga that can influence people in a GOOD way. Good luck again and even though we don't talk that much you're still one of my favorite e friends that I've met! xoxo

  4. Hey Javi,
    Its ur sleeping neighbor from BCIS, Donna, I just wanted to let you know that im soooo very proud of you, for being brave enough to be you! You shouldn't be afraid to be yourself. Just don't listen to what other dumb fucks have to say. (can i say fucks oh well) You need to be happy for you and no one else! I'm happy for you and if you ever need to talk or just hang out. you got my number im always here for you! And screw the dumb fucks that had stupid shit to say! I love ya!

    Gay people are better ne ways!

  5. i love you so much and i'm so proud of you for being brave enough to be who you are. trust me, it took a long time for me to be who i was and now that i am open and honest about myself, it was the best decision i've ever made.

    you know that i will always love you no matter what but my love doesn't matter. the only love that matters is your own for yourself. love yourself and be proud of who you are because i'm proud of you and always will be.


  6. hey javi, proud of ya. if you ever need anything. just call me, or catch me on FB. love ya, doll. Laura

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I Love you just the way you are my dear! Forever and always no matter what you are beautiful and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. So many people in the world are so blinded by hate towards things they deem to be "Different", it's just pure ignorance. Fuck them. At least you're brave enough to be yourself and express yourself. ;) <333 Good for you <333

  9. I am so proud you accepted yourself for who you are. A lot of people wouldn't even go through with telling the world, some just hide it forever until it eats them up on the inside, but you opened yourself, I'm pretty sure it feels like you have lifted the weight off yourself.

    But just know I am here for you if you need anything I'm here. But if people don't accept you for who you are fuck them, they are not your true friends/family. A true family that loves you, will love you for who you are. And good luck on your journey to open up to your family it'll be hard but you can do it!


    P.S: Just for random HULK SMAAAAAAAASH >_> idk I was looking at favorite tweets and that came up xD Love ya!

  10. Hey Hulkzorz,
    I JUST saw this, and obviously I knew you'd come out, but I didn't realize you'd typed all this up about it.
    I'm fairly certain you don't know this but my best IRL friend is a drag queen. He grew up in a tiny ass town in a time when being gay was something to be ashamed of, and it took him 30 years to be proud of who he is. I'm glad it didn't take you that long and you're able to be who you are at a young age and that you don't have to bottle it up for as long as he did. If you ever need anything you know you can talk to me. <3
    Love you Hulk.
