Friday, November 20, 2009


Today was Senior Skip Day, and I was one of the few that actually went to school today. I technically could have skipped, but I am a much more mature human being and went in spite of it all. I'm sure my mom would have let me stayed home if I had chosen to. Besides, I had to finish Chapter 14 in Mr. Golasso's class, or he would have yelled at me. I have never been yelled at by Mr. G, but I heard it's a right of passage. Maybe I will screw up on purpose in the next few weeks. Today has been very boring, starting with school. Most of my classes were empty. It was boring, but I am glad I didn't have to put up with the daily annoying people that call themselves Seniors. I wonder how they even got to this point, oh wait, I know, Burleson High School holds your hand, and doesn't let you fail. I swear some of those kids act like they are 12. By the way, this is extremely disorganized thought, I am not trying to convey a particular message, I am just writing down what I currently have on my mind. I really wanted to go see New Moon today, but AllA didn't let me. We have to watch it together because we are the CornerKidz. Yeah, I put a Z. I am pretty sure that the only person that is going to read this is AllA. HEY ALLA I LOVE YOU! Anyways, I am extremely bored, and whenever I am bored, I always feel lonely. I wonder why that is? I know that I am not lonely because I can easily go to Denys' room and talk to her, but something compels me to just stay here and sit. I am having quite a weird and random day. Pita invited me to go to her party tomorrow. She told me to wear sweats or pajamas. Apparently she wants to have a pillow fight. I am thankful Thania is going because I would feel awkward with just Pita's friends. Thanksgiving is coming up, and it is Alla's favorite holiday. It isn't my favorite, but I very much enjoy it because I get to spend it with the best group of people that I could ever know. They are my everything. I wonder if they know how much they mean to me. Well, if you didn't know, well now you do. I am truly thankful for them. I am hoping it becomes Tuesday quickly, because I really want to see New Moon. It is coursing through my mind because I have been anticipating this movie just like any other fan girl, and SO WHAT, I love Twilight, I don't care for those opinions that perceive the movie as being lame or whatsoever. Thanksgiving Break!! Let's make the most of it!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's perfectly normal. to feel lonely wen your bored. Because if you're with a friend, or family member it's hard to feel truly bored. So it works vice versa. Right now I feel bored and partly because there is no body around. Anyway nice write up Javi.
