Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas?

I seriously dread the holidays.. I really wish people can share happiness with me, but usually it seems that is too much to ask. I was having an extremely awesome day yesterday, it was snowing, it was going to be a white Christmas, and even though I get no gifts, I didn't care, as long as we did something that was memorable. We could have played in the snow, and THAT could have been memorable enough to me. But no. NO. I never get what I want, I didn't ask for something that cost money. I just wanted your time. This is just incredibly sad. I refuse to make a snowman alone. So now I am sitting here blogging about how this ruined my mood. So, I guess I will watch the snow melt?... cause it's Texas.. that shit will be gone in a few hours... You just couldn't even give me an hour? NOT EVEN ONE. So yeah. Merry Christmas. -_-

Friday, November 20, 2009


Today was Senior Skip Day, and I was one of the few that actually went to school today. I technically could have skipped, but I am a much more mature human being and went in spite of it all. I'm sure my mom would have let me stayed home if I had chosen to. Besides, I had to finish Chapter 14 in Mr. Golasso's class, or he would have yelled at me. I have never been yelled at by Mr. G, but I heard it's a right of passage. Maybe I will screw up on purpose in the next few weeks. Today has been very boring, starting with school. Most of my classes were empty. It was boring, but I am glad I didn't have to put up with the daily annoying people that call themselves Seniors. I wonder how they even got to this point, oh wait, I know, Burleson High School holds your hand, and doesn't let you fail. I swear some of those kids act like they are 12. By the way, this is extremely disorganized thought, I am not trying to convey a particular message, I am just writing down what I currently have on my mind. I really wanted to go see New Moon today, but AllA didn't let me. We have to watch it together because we are the CornerKidz. Yeah, I put a Z. I am pretty sure that the only person that is going to read this is AllA. HEY ALLA I LOVE YOU! Anyways, I am extremely bored, and whenever I am bored, I always feel lonely. I wonder why that is? I know that I am not lonely because I can easily go to Denys' room and talk to her, but something compels me to just stay here and sit. I am having quite a weird and random day. Pita invited me to go to her party tomorrow. She told me to wear sweats or pajamas. Apparently she wants to have a pillow fight. I am thankful Thania is going because I would feel awkward with just Pita's friends. Thanksgiving is coming up, and it is Alla's favorite holiday. It isn't my favorite, but I very much enjoy it because I get to spend it with the best group of people that I could ever know. They are my everything. I wonder if they know how much they mean to me. Well, if you didn't know, well now you do. I am truly thankful for them. I am hoping it becomes Tuesday quickly, because I really want to see New Moon. It is coursing through my mind because I have been anticipating this movie just like any other fan girl, and SO WHAT, I love Twilight, I don't care for those opinions that perceive the movie as being lame or whatsoever. Thanksgiving Break!! Let's make the most of it!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Son of a bitch. I am going to be a senior. After 11 years of school, free education is coming to an end. I understand that everyone should be happy it is the last year, and that they should enjoy it and stuff, but I am not happy about it at all. For me, school was a place to learn, and to hang out with my family. Yes, family. Sophomore year was the best year. Most of my cousins were there. A total of 5 of my cousins, but then my oldest cousin graduated. She left to San Antonio for college, and I hardly talked to her while we were in school. I missed being able to see her mostly everyday in high school. It simply sucked. Then for Junior year, I still had my cousins, and my Freshman cousin finally joined us in high school. The year was still enjoyable, I even had art with one of them. The year came to an end, and they graduated. The 3 of them graduated. I won't see them everyday like I am used to, and this fact bothers me. I am very attached to my cousins, I feel like I need them there with me. It's not complete. It saddens me. Now it's just me, and my Sophomore cousin. Just the two of us. It won't be the same. The year is going to suck, and I know this. At least I have an out period before school, and an out period after school. This can give a little bit of happiness. I can only imagine how it might be next year for my cousin, when I won't be there. I hope she doesn't get that upset about it. So, as I was kinda saying earlier, but drifted off, I am not going to have a good year, or at least I think I won't. Maybe this mentality will affect it, and I should think positive, but I am just a very negative person. It's a flaw of mine, I always think the worse, and brace myself for it. I really should think positive, but it's hard for me. This is my first actual blog, and I'll try and see if I can keep up regularity. Thanks for reading! <3

Thursday, August 6, 2009

New Blog.

Since JaviLovesPizza is officially gone and stuff. I need a new blog so that I can keep up with the various thoughts and posts of others. So yeah, I will follow you guys. :D